
I visited Mt. Takao and prayed Tengu, long-nosed demon-like beings, to end-up the pandemic of COVID19, among most of the popular places in Tokyo were closed because of the third emergency declaration of COVID19.


The place gained the Michelin three stars several years ago and becomes popular with foreigners as a place where we can enjoy the nature and religious facilities only one-hour trip from the heart of Tokyo. In the future, I may guide foreign guests, so I wanted to check many walking paths as much as possible.
Takao-san Yakuo-in, a temple of syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, on the top of the mountain, in the precincts, the Yakuou Nyorai, the Buddha of Healings, enshrined in the main hall, Izuna Daigongen (great incarnation) is enshrined in the main shrine, and Tengu, strongly connected worship sacred mountain, is guarding all facility of the temple. It looks very difficult to explain such complexity in clearly and briefly.

But I enjoyed by strolling around the well-maintained promenade and enjoyed the rich nature and wonderful scenery, without thinking such difficult things. The broth of the tororo-soba, buckwheat noodle with grated yam, on the mountaintop soba shop was a little thick, but it was just right for a sweaty and tired body.
道辺で出会った素敵な花や珍しい花の一部をまとめてみました。Here are some of the wonderful flowers I met along the mountain paths.
Iris Japonica/ Fringed iris/ シャガ 著莪
薄紫の地色に紫と黄色の切れ目の入った花弁で今の高尾山で最も目立つ花です。学名はIris Japonicaですが、中国からの帰化植物のようです。
This purple and yellow spotted on fringed pale blue purple flower is the most comonly seen flowr in Mt. Takao at this time. It has botnical name "Iris Japonica but native in China.
Viola yezoensis f. discolor/ Mt. Takao viola/ タカオスミレ 高尾菫
This viola species is found at wet and half shady forest edges along streams. The Japanese name Takao-sumire literally meaning Mt. Takao viola was named because it was first found in Mt. Takao.
Calanthe discolor/ Calanthe Orchid/ エビネラン 海老根蘭
One of the popular wild orchid on the ground in Japan, there are many colors of flowers.However wild ones are declinded in thses days.
Monotropastrum humile/ ギンリョウソウ 銀竜草
It is a saprophytic plant (grow on leaf soils and grow with fungi to break down its nutrients), the entire plant is white without lack of chlorophyll.
Asarum tamaense/ Wild ginger of Tama hills/ タマノカンアオイ 多摩の寒葵
This plant, growing Tama hills area, has bell-shaped purple to brown-purple flowers with a test cylinder shape center, under a dull glimed glowing heart-shaped leaf.
Ajuga nipponensis/ Bugleweed/ ジュウニヒトエ 十二単
Japanese name "Junihitoe" means an elegant kimono with 12 silk layers of Japanese medieval aristocratic women's outfits.
Valeriana flaccidissima/ ツルカノコソウ 蔓鹿の子草
This small flower, which resembles a gypsophila, belongs the same group of Patrinia.The Japanese name Tsuru-kanoko-so literally meaning vine fawn plants was named because the shape of flowers from above resemble kanoko-shibori, a cloth dyed in a dapple pattern.
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このブログで紹介しきれなかった花の写真などは、別のホームページ 「Flower and Garden in Japan and more…」に写真や解説をまとめて掲載しています。日本やタイ、それから世界の色々なところで撮った花の写真、1000種類、5000枚以上を整理しています。
I have another website a “Flower and Garden in Japan and more… “ from here you can find picture of many flowers in Japan, Thailand and many places in the world, including some pictures I cannot show in this blog. In the website, I upload classified data of more more than 1000 species and 5000 pictures in it. You can jump to my web-page by clicking a picture below.
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