秋葉原探訪 Explore Akihabara
I can feel the downtown becomes a little more lively after lift of emergency declaration.
I have visited to learn Akihabara, where one of the subjects to short time presentation interview of English guide and is difficult place to explain various faces in a short time.
I also went to a cosplay themed "maid cafe" to study "Moe"; affected feeling.
I would appreciate your kind click on a banner below.
このブログでもいくつかの花や植物の紹介をしていますが、もし花に興味があれば花を図鑑形式でまとめた、私のブログ Flower and garden in JApan and more..も訪問していただけると嬉しいです。世界中に旅行した時やバンコクで暮らした時に撮った写真、ローマの古い友人から送ってもらった写真も含め1700種類以上の植物のデータを写真とともに整理しています。
I sometimes introduce flowers and plants by linking my another website, Flower and garden in JApan and more.., in the website I summerized data and pictures like a "picture book" including more than 1,700 species, I took pictures in all over the world including when I lived in Bangkok. Also some pictures sent from my old friend who live in Rome.
I started my job as English tour guide in Japan. Unfortunately, we have few guests from overseas under the pandemic of COVID19, but I keep offering information for future foreign visitors from my another website.
有難うございました。Thank you for visiting my blog!
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« 蓮華升麻、殿ヶ谷戸庭園にて/ False anemone at Tonogayato garden | トップページ | ココログ ブログ記事休止のお知らせ/ Notice of suspension of blog posting »
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