蓮華升麻、殿ヶ谷戸庭園にて/ False anemone at Tonogayato garden
Anemonopsis macrophylla/ False anemone/ レンゲショウマ 蓮華升麻
Still, we are having the hottest days, I visited Tonogayato garden and was relieved by a pretty flower of false anemone (Anemonopsis macrophylla, Japanese name Renge-syoma). This plant blooms pale lavender color flower looks like anemone or spring ephemeral in middle of hot summer.
The garden is not so large but attractive garden featuring three different types of landscape using unique natural terrain as edge of the Musashino plateau. This place was used as a villa of founder of Mitsubishi zaibatu, Iwasaki family and well-designed of combination of western style landscape garden and Japanese traditional garden of strolling around pond.
Platycodon grandifloras/ Balloon flower/ キキョウ 桔梗
Patrinia scabiosifolia/ Patrinia/ オミナエシ 女郎花
In the garden I was in shower of cicadas’ song and rich nature and I could not believe I was just in center of Kokubunji city. We will have the first day of autumn in Japanese lunar calendar soon, and I can find some flowers of ‘Autumn seven herbs’
Lespedeza bicolor/ Bush clover/ ハギ 萩
I summarized data of Tonogayato garden in my website below, you can jump to the data of this garden from the bottom line of jumped page.
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このブログでもいくつかの花や植物の紹介をしていますが、もし花に興味があれば花を図鑑形式でまとめた、私のブログ Flower and garden in JApan and more..も訪問していただけると嬉しいです。世界中に旅行した時やバンコクで暮らした時に撮った写真、ローマの古い友人から送ってもらった写真も含め1700種類以上の植物のデータを写真とともに整理しています。
I sometimes introduce flowers and plants by linking my another website, Flower and garden in JApan and more.., in the website I summerized data and pictures like a "picture book" including more than 1,700 species, I took pictures in all over the world including when I lived in Bangkok. Also some pictures sent from my old friend who live in Rome.
I started my job as English tour guide in Japan. Unfortunately, we have few guests from overseas under the pandemic of COVID19, but I keep offering information for future foreign visitors from my another website.
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