早くも藤が咲き始めました Wisteria has already started blooming after cherry season
I visited Ashikaga flower park, famous of transplanted giant and old wisteria and intorduced by CNN as the most imprresive spots several years ago, two hour drive from my home in this weekend.
Even though large wisteria was just starting blooming, I was able to watch many kind of wisteria, and enjoyed weeping wisteria in strong wind.
I also watched many spring flowers in the flower garden.
Then I visited a historical place, Ashikaga Gakko, or Ashikaga school, the school was a center for Confucianism and secular learning, and one of the largest and famous school in 15th to 16th centuries although it has longer histories.
I enjoyed the tranquil and warm spring afternoon time in there.
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このブログで紹介しきれなかった花の写真などは、別のホームページ 「Flower and Garden in Japan and more…」に写真や解説をまとめて掲載しています。日本やタイ、それから世界の色々なところで撮った花の写真、1000種類、5000枚以上を整理しています。
I have another website a “Flower and Garden in Japan and more… “ from here you can find picture of many flowers in Japan, Thailand and many places in the world, including some pictures I cannot show in this blog. In the website, I upload classified data of more more than 1000 species and 5000 pictures in it. You can jump to my web-page by clicking a picture below.

有難うございました。Thank you for visiting my blog!
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