無憂樹の花と蝶/ Butterfly and flower of Sorrowless tree (Asoka tree)
お釈迦様の生まれたところにあったと言われる無憂樹、このためアソカノキとも呼ばれているが(英語でもSorrowless tree 又はAsoka treeと呼ばれている)、この花の周りをたくさんの蝶が飛び回っていた。よほど蜜が美味しいのか、バンコクでこんなにたくさんの蝶が一つの木に集まっているのを見るのは珍しい。
I found many butterflies were fluttering around a sorrow-less tree (or Asoka tree) which said to be grown at the place Buddha was born. Nectar of the flower might be very tasteful, it is first time to find such many butterflies were gathering and fluttering around one tree in Bangkok since I came here around two years.
I cannot identify exact name of the butterfly but I suppose belong to Parnassiini spp. And I found alas of some butterflies were tattered and I felt they tried to collect last nectar from precious tree with their last lives. So I felt preciousness of the tree.
The sorrow-less tree is one of three great sacred trees in Buddhism with Sal tree and Bo (Bodhi) tree.
I have already wrote one article of Bo (Bodhi) tree, so would like to write one on Sal tree when I find the tree in Bangkok someday.
なお、バンコクの街路樹や垣根に良く使われるマストツリー(下の写真)もAsoka treeとも呼ばれ、よく混同されるようだが全く別の木のよう。
By the way, Indian mast tree (pictures are below) which is popular for road side tree or for using fence in Bangkok also called Asoka tree sometimes and is confused with the sorrow-less tree, but these are completely different one.
I recently built up another website specified for picture book of flower and plant, in this website, you can see other pictures of these trees in this address.
I appreciate if you can visit this site too.
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投稿: | 2013年12月 2日 (月) 21時11分
投稿: Khaaw | 2013年12月 3日 (火) 00時14分